Day on a Plate + Gluten Free Pita Pizzas

To be honest, I despise ‘day on a plate’ vlogs, blogs, or posts. Why? Because in reality, for me, there is no standard day on my plate and from working with many people (many real humans, not robots) everyone eats slightly differently each day. AND THAT IS OKAY!

I fear that people think they need to follow this regimented diet where they eat the exact same thing, every day, day in, day out and the foodie in my screams inside. What kind of life, what kind of world is that where we all live on the exact same food every day?!

Anywayyy, I thought I would share a glimpse of what I eat to help provide you with some meal ideas and inspo, nothing more, nothing less. The amount of food I eat is irrelevant to you, and hey if you don’t like what I eat, GREAT, you don’t have to!

First up, coffee always. Okay not first up and not always. Water first and then coffee and only on the days I feel like it, which to be honest is like 6 out of 7.

I typically hit the gym in the mornings. I have no energy come the afternoons, and my time gets pulled in so many different directions throughout the day that I can’t guarantee that an afternoon workout will happen, so mornings it is! If i’m not hitting the gym it will be a walk or stretch.

Breakfast for me is a rotation of a few of my faves. Its either a protein smoothie with fruit, peanut butter and protein powder, weetbix or porridge or eggs or avocado on toast. The only consistency here is that I eat breakkie every day.

Lunches are usually some kind of throw together salad, I really like mixing up my veggies so I keep a huge range of veggies at home and make a random salad including whatever i’ve got at home and top it off with a tin of tuna, an egg or some chickpeas. Often ill have some rice or potato in there for carbs too!

In the afternoons I neeeeed a pick me up, there’s no way im going through until dinner without snacking so I will typically have a greek yoghurt with some nuts or seeds, fruit or dates and peanut butter or rice cakes with avocado or vegemite and cheese.

Dinners are probably my most versatile meal as I like to get creative and try new things. My most recent obsession is home made pizzas. I’ve loved being able to experiment with different toppings and even different bases. I’ve put below a recipe using the BFree Foods Pita Pockets as a base for mini pizzas below. They work so well as a gluten free pizza base!

After dinner I will end with a cup of tea, a hot choccie or a few squares of chocolate depending on what I feel like on the day. Needless to say there’s always something else I have to end the meal.

Really the biggest consistencies in my day are that I eat a fair few vegetables, I try to eat mostly whole foods and mostly plant based, but I don’t put any restrictions on my diet aside from eating gluten free for my coeliac disease.


Extra virgin olive oil

Garlic paste

brussel sprouts, thinly sliced

buffalo mozzarella cheese

red chilli, sliced

BFree Foods Gluten Free Pita Pockets

basil leaves


  1. Preheat oven to 220 degrees Celsius.

  2. Make an incision into the pita pockets to open them slightly (this will allow air to escape during cooking and mean your pizza bases won’t puff up and all your toppings fall off - trust me on this one I tried). Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over pita pockets and coat in a thin paste of garlic.

  3. Top with sliced brussel sprouts and mozzarella cheese. Place into preheated oven for 10 minutes or until cheese has melted and sprouts are crispy. Top with fresh chilli and basil and a further drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

These mini pizzas are so yummy and made gluten free and high fibre by using the pita pockets. You can mix up the toppings to whatever you please, I am just going through a real brussels sprouts phase right now.

Marika Day